Our 5 Year Anniversary Charleston Session
5 whole years of marriage! Almost a decade together, thanks to a job at Starbucks (that’s where all American love stories begin right?)
Andrey and I were supposed to have our little getaway to France & Italy in March, but slowly watched as COVID-19 shut down Italy, flights were canceled and international travel was banned. BUT it’s okay when the world heals we will head back to travel! A week after our anniversary we went down to Charleston for a mini-vacation and some family beach fun. My wonderful friend, Dear Elizabeth Photography, took anniversary photos for us!
I got all dolled up and forced Andrey to wear a suit in the summer (actually it was a high of 80 degrees in Charleston in JUNE, which was amazing!) and walked around Rainbow Row & Downtown Charleston. We got congratulated by SO many people, even though it was a Monday evening, but it was really fun. We tried to involve the kids, but they were not having it. Thankfully Ellie wanted to hang out with us for a little while Liz shot on my film camera, so we look like we have at least one child!
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